What's that on the horizon? Oh, just the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Yup, "selfie" has been declared the "Word of 2013" by Oxford Dictionaries, which means we must surely be huddling in Endtimes, blinded to the impending Big Bang by the light of our own cellphones.

Each year, Oxford Dictionaries chooses one word to highlight, a word that has become common parlance to an extreme degree in the last 365 days. "Selfie," according to Oxford, has increased in usage 17,000% since this time last year — not that that should come as a shock if you have Facebook, Instagram or lungs. Selfies are everywhere, and with them, endless articles about the various atrocities folks commit when they turn the lens onto their own souls.

To stave off the depression — which is slightly mitigated by the fact that "twerk" was only on honorable mention on Oxford's list — MTV News has gathered together 11 selfies that can serve as beacons of hope in this dark, dark world. Notice the deliberate lack of duckface. You're welcome.

Nicki Minaj

We're not sure exactly what Nicki was for Halloween this year, but we're glad she felt the need to share a self-snap of her costume. We also enjoy the fact that her phone case features a photo of her face, making this selfie even more meta.

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas agonized for a full 24 hours over whether to share this picture-perfect selfie to Instagram — and we're glad he did, because abs. You know?

Chris Pratt

Speaking of abs, usually it's pretty lame to post shirtless snaps, but we'll give a pass to Chris Pratt (and Jonas, obviously), because Burt Macklin (FBI) can do pretty much whatever he wants to.

Neil Patrick Harris Photobomb

Who needs yet another sultry photo of Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder? Not us. Thanks for putting us out of our collective misery, Neil Patrick Harris. (Totally joking, Ian — keep on snapping.)

Starbucks Drake Hands

Every ask-out should be in video selfie form — with Drake accompaniment. Every. Single. One.

Beyoncé Photobomb

Bey just further cements her status as Queen of Everything by helping to make this girl's concert selfie the best ever. Bow down.

Geraldo Rivera

We're not sure how we feel about Fox News contributor's snap, but we're happy that Rivera introduced the selfie to a whole new generation. Nope, rampant vanity is not just a young person's game — take that, mom and dad!

Demi Lovato

The selfie doesn't always have to be a serious affair, as Lovato proves quite expertly with this rainbowed-out pic.

Astronaut Aki Hoshide

A selfie in space? And we're done here.


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