This just might be the worst way to find out your wife wants a divorce:

Scratch that: It's totally the worst way to find out your wife wants a divorce -- and it actually happened.

On Monday, the South Wales Evening Post reported that a bar in Uplands, a suburb in Wales, featured that sign over the weekend.

Though the bar, Noah's Yard, is known for regularly changing the message on its sign, owner Noah Redfern said this latest edition was a special request. On Tuesday, a patron walked into the bar after discovering her husband's affair and asked him and his crew to do the honor of breaking the bad news.

“Maybe this will become a new way of asking for a divorce," Redfern told the paper.

As for the scorned wife, she told the paper she's feeling a lot better since announcing the news -- even if Paul is "furious" over the sign.

“A lot of my friends and family have seen it and have been supporting me," the wife, who wished to remain anonymous, said. "I did feel a bit better once the sign went up. I wanted to name and shame him."

Name and shame she did, but she's hardly the first wife to do so. A wife in Colorado recently put her husband on blast after finding out he had cheated on her. The message she left on the back of his Ford Excursion? "Dear Dave, Tell your GF ur wife & kids say hi. P.S. I cleaned out bank! Your broke. Love, Nikki & kids."

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