Chris Brown’s probation has been revoked again. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James Brandlin has revoked Chris Brown’s probation saying that he violated it when he assaulted a man outside of a Washington, D.C. hotel in October.

Judge Brandlin did not sentence Chris Brown to jail time because he said that he is pleased with the progress the singer is making in rehab and instead sent him back to the facility. Brown will also need to complete community service, reports the L.A. Times.

NBC News reports that at the hearing, probation officials told Judge Brandlin that Brown has improved over the last few weeks.

Brown had a setback in November when he was kicked out of anger management for throwing a rock through his mother’s car window. He then complained because he was not allowed to have medical marijuana that was prescribed by a California physician, saying that he did not like the way the antidepressants made him feel.


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