"@charliesheen U done ranting?" the actress tweeted on Monday before deleting it, the New York Daily News reports.

"Keep it classy dude. Our kids don't need to be privy to this. U are welcome 2 spend xmas w/us. Hope u still come," Richards later tweeted.

The quest for peace comes after Sheen went on an angry Twitter rant after Richards allegedly cancelled holiday plans with their daughters – Sam, nine, and Lola, eight.

"The lie is over. I'm done being treated like a relative with a one-way ticket. #DuhNeese" Sheen tweeted, while also posting a photo of a baseball bat she had given him as a wedding gift cut in pieces.

The actors had originally posed happily for photos while on a family holiday to Mexico in November.

A gift from Denise Richards that Charlie Sheen cut to pieces. (Twitter)

A gift from Denise Richards that Charlie Sheen cut to pieces. (Twitter)

But things turned sour between the pair when Sheen thought that Richards had excluded him from Christmas celebrations with his daughters.

"That's actually not true," Richards tweeted in response to a follower who asked why Sheen couldn't join her and the girls for Christmas.

"I don't know why he feels the need to do this publicly. I don't keep him away from our kids."

TMZ reports that Sheen has also been bombarding Richards with hate texts, writing to her:

"I hope your stocking is bronze-age coal stuffed along with an assortment of 8x10s of yours so you can see how despicable and heartlessly ugly you and your fermented soul continue to be," he wrote referring to photos of the actress.

He also reportedly called it outrageous that Richards asked to borrow his private jet to go on the trip he supposedly was not invited on.

"U were & are welcome 2 see them," she tweeted.

"I never asked 4 your plane. We love u. Please 4 our kids stop this."

Source: New York Daily News, TMZ

Author: Natasha Lee, Approving editor: Nick Pearson


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