DeKALB – John Rey saw pedestrian bridges under construction to an urban renewal area.

Doug Baker saw a farmer’s market three blocks long filled with community and university members, musical acts, survey research projects, a community living room of sorts, not far from campus.

The weekend of Sept. 14, Rey, DeKalb’s mayor, and Baker, Northern Illinois University’s president, saw these things on a trip to Moscow, Idaho, home of the University of Idaho. Baker was provost there before taking the NIU job.

With the NIU football team playing that weekend in Moscow, Baker saw an opportunity to further strengthen an already-strong friendship between himself and Rey. Through presentations with city and university officials, a bus tour and a trip to the farmer’s market, Baker wanted to show Rey how Moscow, a community about half the size of DeKalb, and the University of Idaho worked together.

Then they watched the Huskies’ football victory.

“[Moscow’s farmer’s market] became a place where you can see community being built and strengthened,” Baker said. “I think those are things we can build on, those kinds of activities.”

It was another step in Rey and Baker’s early partnership as they attempt to alter the area’s town-gown relationship with their mostly-shared vision of collaboration.

“I guess the teamwork that I saw present in Moscow is something I hope to build here in the DeKalb community,” Rey said. “A can-do attitude was expressed from everybody that presented to us, and I realize they were showcasing their community, so I’m sure they were showing the positive edge of that, but a real can-do attitude and values from that community were seen in that community.”

Rey said that when he first met Baker, he thought NIU’s new president had a serious commitment to building a relationship between the community and the university.

“He acknowledged that is a part of his, being, if you will, in terms of focusing the university,” Rey said. “I learned very quickly that, that concern from Doug is very sincere and heartfelt.”

The feeling was mutual, and the two say they’ve become friends in the early parts of their tenures in their respective positions.


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