
With its Sunday night "Animation Domination" lineup in a bit of a transition, Fox has given a 13-episode order to the new animated comedy Bordertown from Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane and Mark Hentemann to debut during the 2014-2015 TV season.

The show, created by Hentemann, takes place in a fictitious desert town in Texas near the border with Mexico. The show revolves around Bud Buckwald, a married father of three and a Border Patrol agent not adjusting well to the cultural changes around him, and his next-door neighbor Ernesto Gonzales, a Mexican immigrant and father of four. Bordertown take a satirical look at America's cultural shifts through the evolving relationships between the two families.

Bordertown has been in development at Fox for several years. In 2009, it was considered to be on Fox's "hot list" along with Bob's Burgers, which eventually made it on the air.

Now it's Bordertown's turn. Fox has room on the night for new series as American Dad is set to move to TBS next year. The network also recently scrapped plans to air Murder Police , which had been given a 13-episode order. That show is now being shopped to other networks.

Fox still has additional seasons of The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob's Burgers in the works, and is also developing a wide array of additional animated projects, including one from Flight of the Conchords' Bret McKenzie.

Hentemann and MacFarlane will executive produce Bordertown for 20th Century Fox TV, while Alex Carter (Family Guy) and Dan Vebber (American Dad) are co-exec producers. Hentemann worked his way up from story editor to executive producer of Family Guy (where he's also voiced various characters, including Opie — Peter Griffin's brain-damaged co-worker). His other credits include Off Centre and Late Show with David Letterman.

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