NORMAN — Pull the aluminum poles out of your crawl spaces, gather your family around and celebrate the wonderful Seinfeldian holiday of Festivus.
For those unfamiliar with Festivus — made famous by Seinfeld’s Season 9 episode “The Strike” — check out the above video, or read below for lines from the show:
Frank Costanza: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.
Kramer: What happened to the doll?
Frank Costanza: It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born … a Festivus for the rest of us!Frank Costanza: And at the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around, and you tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year.
Kramer: Is there a tree?
Frank Costanza: No. Instead, there’s a pole. Requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting.Frank Costanza: The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you’re gonna hear about it!
I asked Sooner fans today on Twitter to air their grievances about OU football, and here are the responses I’ve received so far.
As for the Feats of Strength? That’ll have to wait until Jan. 2 in New Orleans, where Oklahoma meets No. 3 Alabama in the Superdome. Who knows? There might even be a Festivus miracle in store for the Sooners!
If you’ve got more grievances to air, please tweet them to me @jasonkersey, or leave a comment below!
@jasonkersey I hate that nasty injury bug. It keeps taking away OU’s really good players every season. Juts ONCE can this team stay healthy?
— Onikuno (@Onikuno) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey BCS BOWL FLOPS!!!!!!!!! — Daniel Harrison (@DanHarrison1985) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey belldozer formation play where he stands up, tries to find a hole, and gets hit in backfield. Defenses are too prepared now.
— Drew Shingleton (@drewshingleton) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey My grievance is the OU fan(s) who don’t appreciate what we have in Coach Stoops, Joe C and David Boren. Look around folks.
— tvtime44 (@tvtime44) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey It’d be nice to see some creativity with the uniforms.
— Zach Milvo (@zachmilvo) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey questionable play calling needs to go.
— Isaac (@IW_13) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey the Jekyll/hide home and away nature of the 07, 09 & 10 seasons.
— Matt Williamson (@mattyfresh12) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey sooner fans who refuse to admit Landry Jones was worth his weight in non-precious metals and stones. Not terrible but not great
— Matt Williamson (@mattyfresh12) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey @ryaber Injuries suck!
— james henry (@jointsrme) December 23, 2013
@jasonkersey I want them to recruit like they did in ’09 and ’10. Snagging more big 5* prospects away from Bama/LSU/Texas would be great.
— Seth Meier (@MeierSeth) December 23, 2013
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