By Francisco Salazar | First Posted: Dec 24, 2013 12:23 AM EST

(Photo : Paramount Pictures )

"The Wolf of Wall Street's" Oscar campaign has hit a dead end after screening for the Academy over the weekend.

The film was screened for the Academy and was lambasted with many members walking out. The controversy began after Actress Hope Holiday ("The Apartment") wrote on her Facebook page that she was tortured by the viewing of the film and that a screenwriter had run to director Martin Scorsese and said "Shame on you." She wrote, "last night was torture at the Academy--'The Wolf Of Wall Street'---three hours of torture--same disgusting crap over and over again---after the film they had a discussion which a lot of us did not stay for--the elevator doors opened and Leonardo D. Martin S. and a few others got out then a screen writer ran over to them and started screaming--shame on you --disgusting-"

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The Wrap contacted the actress and asked for further details which Holiday did not give. She however said that the screenwriter's criticism of Scorsese was "a shocker," and "very awkward and embarrassing" for others waiting for the elevator.

She added, "Some people at the screening did applaud the film, while others ("including myself") hated it."

According to the Wrap, "a Paramount rep who was with Scorsese said that no one screamed at the director, but admitted that one person offered 'a negative comment.'"

The Academy has a reputation of being ultra conservative. Earlier this year, it was reported that during a screening of the current Oscar front-runner "12 Years a Slave," many members left the theater because they could not take the violence. Last year "Zero Dark Thirty's" political controversy riled up Academy members and had various voters campaign against the film.

A similar thing happened in 2005 when "Brokeback Mountain," the presumptive Oscar winner was nominated for Best Picture. Recognized actor Ernest Borgnine criticized the movie and refused to see it. Additionally he told Entertainment Weekly, "If John Wayne were alive he'd be rolling over in his grave.''

This is not the first time that Scorsese's movies are trashed by the Academy. Back in 1995 when "Casino" was screened, voters called it "Disgusting! Pornography! Crap!" That movie ended up with one nomination for Sharon Stone.

While "The Wolf of Wall Street" has two Golden Globe nominations, the film is far from a lock for Best Picture at the Academy. As a result this latest screening may affect its chances at a Best Picture. Still if there are enough Scorsese supporters, the movie still has hopes.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" tells the story of Jordan Belfort's rise and fall in Wall Street and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. The movie opens on Christmas Day and is expected to be a success at the Box office.

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