Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) weighed in on the resignation of Martin Bashir, the MSNBC host who suggested someone should defecate in her mouth while discussing comments she made comparing the national debt to slavery.

“My role is to accept his apology and be humble enough to accept it and move on,” Palin said during a Thursday appearance on "Fox and Friends." “But I just hope that unprovoked attacks like that don’t result in people being hesitant to jump in the arena anyway. To get out and there and serve the public or start a business. Or, commit themselves to changing within their family, their community, their world; doing whatever they can despite the fact that in this world, you are going to be hurt. And attacks will come your way. I just hope that an attack like that doesn't make people hesitate.”

Palin noted this is not the first time someone has made harsh comments about her, saying she's "calloused" to such criticism now.

"At this point I’m used to it,” Palin said.

Bashir offered an "unreserved apology" to Palin and her family, friends and supporters on November 18. He resigned on December 4.

"I deeply regret what was said, will endeavor to work hard at making constructive contributions in the future and will always have a deep appreciation for our viewers – who are the smartest, most compassionate and discerning of all television audiences," Bashir said in an email posted by Mediaite. "I would also wish to express deepest gratitude to my immediate colleagues, and our contributors, all of whom have given so much of themselves to our broadcast."

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