Samantha (Sammi to her friends and family) Massie is a 15-year-old sophomore at Cedar Creek High School who will be competing in the Miss Teen USA in Houston in November and representing Cedar Creek.

“I started her in pageants when she was seven months old in Austin and she won it,” said Shirley Monagas, Sammi’s mother. “At one-and-a-half, she went to Atlanta and competed in the nationals.”

She is not one of your pageant moms that you see on TV. She said the trip to Georgia was a real eye opener for her. One thing that stood out was a mother taking pictures of her little one all dressed up by the pool, when all the child wanted to do was swim with the other little girls.

“Some of those moms really are crazy,” she said.

As Sammi got older, started losing her baby teeth and other changes took place, she didn’t want to do pageants anymore and wanted to go into modeling. So modeling she did and was even looked at by a prestigious agency, but it never materialized into anything.

Sammi has been very active in her school, both in softball and cheerleading. The Sammi you see at CCHS usually has her hair tied back in a ponytail: A typical teen.

I asked how she came to be in this pageant if she had quit.

“She came to me and said she wanted to try pageants again, so I told her go for it,” Monagas said. “Get your picture and resume together and send it in.”

She did - and not only was she accepted - but asked to represent Cedar Creek. Monagas will take her to Houston but will not stay with her. They are well chaperoned and will be going through many different aspects to get ready for the pageant.

From the local level to the international level, delegates are judged in three areas. The interview focuses on successes, talents, goals and ambitions. Attention is focused on her poise, charm, self-confidence and ability to communicate, as well as the substance of her answers.

The swimsuit competition focuses on beauty of face, figure, physical fitness and the confidence with which each contestant carries herself. Numerical measurements are not considered in the judging.

The evening gown competition focuses on the contestant’s overall appearance, self-confidence, sense of style and the beauty she brings to the gown of her choice.

With this pageant, there is no talent competition and they don’t have to have any experience.

So, Cedar Creekers, keep Sammi in your prayers and wish her good luck as she goes to represent us in this pageant.

Upcoming events

On Oct. 31, Trunk or Treat from 6-7:30 p.m. at Cedar Creek United Methodist Church.

On Nov. 8, Fish Fry Friday from 5-8 p.m. at Wyldwood Baptist Church.

That’s all for now. Back Nov. 7. Remember, send those emails with the news of our “wide spot in the road” to Be safe and God bless.


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