Girl Meets World star Danielle Fishel married her longtime boyfriend, Tim Belusko, last weekend, but their honeymoon period was apparently short-lived.

Fishel took to Twitter to slam critics who had made comments about the age gap between her and Belusko (she's 32, he's 25).

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"People are giving me s--- for marrying someone younger than I am," Fishel wroteon Sunday. "Tim is mature, responsible, loving, & kind. Way to judge people, Internet."

Then on Tuesday, Fishel again fired back at commenters who were making remarks about her weight.

"Ppl saying I was FAT @ my wedding: u r the worst kind of ppl on the PLANET. I weigh 107 pounds & am 5'1". YOU are the reason anorexia exists," she wrote.

She later added: "I hope you'll look at your own miserable lives and learn to stop judging others on their weight and looks. Love and happiness wins again."

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Fishel has previously discussed having an eating disorder when she was a teenager starring on Boy Meets World. But it seems as though the actress is trying to let the criticisms go in one ear and out the other. "You know what makes dealing with rude comments easy? Love & happiness," she wrote. "I'll just keep being the happiest me & you keep being the rudest you."

What do you think about Fishel's comments?

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