If you're a big Marvel superhero fan you probably already planned to catch Thor: The Dark World in theaters next weekend. But just in case, here's an extra bit of motivation to get there. All 3D showings of the movie, IMAX included, will feature a five-minute sneak peek at Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the next installment in the swiftly expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe that's due next spring.

We only recently got our first look at Captain America back in action when the trailer for Winter Soldier premiered last week, bringing glimpses of a Helicarrier crash, a Black Widow-Captain America team-up, and the return of Cap's old sidekick Bucky Barnes in the form of The Winter Soldier. Here it is again in case you've forgotten about it since last week:

The five minute preview attached to Thor will probably include some of the same footage as the trailer, but traditionally these kinds of previews give yo ua bit more, and maybe even a complete scene. After all, directors Joe and Anthony Russo are just five months from the film's release, and even back at Comic Con they were blowing geek minds by showing off full-length action sequences. I'm curious to see what's going on with what appears to be a hospital explosion that involves both Cap and Black Widow, but I would also settle for an extended version of that elevator fight sequence featured in the trailer. Or maybe just five minutes of this gif of Captain America boxing at the beginning of The Avengers-- is that so much to ask?

Let us know what you want to see from The Winter Soldier, and report back from your Thor: The Dark World screenings next week to tell us what you saw!


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