Posted on: 9:40 pm, November 21, 2013, by , updated on: 03:16pm, November 22, 2013[1]

(Memphis) With less than 48 hours until her wedding day, La Trease Thompson still didn’t have a dress.

“I went yesterday to see if I could find another dress, there’s nothing in our price range,” said Thompson.

Sunday morning, someone stole her minivan — with her wedding dress still in the back.[2]

The couple is on a very tight budget and can’t afford a new gown.

Thompson asked to make another plea to the car thief to just return the dress.

What she didn’t know was that on the other side of our studios, a dozen News Channel 3 viewers were waiting, each one with a wedding dress for her.

There were different sizes, styles, and a few still in the box.

But Thompson’s old dress had her lavender wedding colors in the dress.

Luckily, viewer Kathy Hearn had one just like it.

La Trease spotted it in an instant, and it was a perfect fit.

“It was in closet, it wasn’t doing anything. She said lavender and I said, ‘I have the perfect dress,’” said Hearn.

Our viewers weren’t done — they offered shoes, jewelry, flowers, and even justice — Meghan Fowler works for the District Attorney and said she’ll be looking out for when police catch the car thief.

“I read a lot of police reports, so I felt for her,” said Fowler. “I just got married; I couldn’t imagine going through that.”

Anything this bride wanted, they were ready to help.

We just asked the couple to promise not to leave their new dress in the back seat of their car.

Everyone who showed up to offer any help they could were also invited to the wedding.


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