Last Friday San Francisco, California was transformed into Gotham City. Thanks to the Make-A-Wish foundation, Miles Scott, a five year old leukemia patient, had his dream come true and was Batman for the day — or Batkid, as the public calls him. Young Miles got to save a girl from the Riddler, battle the Penguin, and even cruise around in his own Batmobile. Thousands gathered around on the streets of San Francisco to see it all unfold. It was touching to see everyone come together to make this young Batman fan’s dream come true.

Batkid even had the support of Batmen. Check out what Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, Michael Keaton, Kevin Conroy, and Adam West had to say about Miles Scott.

Christian Bale

“Wasn’t that fantastic?” Bale told Vulture. “I looked on the news and I saw this headline and thought, ‘What’s that?’ And I saw all the pictures of him running around and saving people. It’s so touching. [...] This little kid, oh my God — what a wonderful day for the little fella! It’s just fantastic, seeing all those people who were out there to support it.”

Ben Affleck

Michael Keaton

Kevin Conroy

Adam West


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