Justin Bieber

Is Justin Bieber calling it quits? The pop singer dropped a Christmas bombshell on his fans when he said that he was retiring.

He delivered the surprise announcement to his Beliebers on Christmas Eve.

“My beloved beliebers I’m officially retiring,” tweeted the 19-year-old singer.

But he followed it up with two more tweets that may suggest otherwise. “The media talks a lot about me. They make a up a lot of lies and want me to fail but I’m never leaving you, being a belieber is a lifestyle,” he said.

“Be kind loving to each other, forgive each other as god forgave us through Christ Merry Christmas IM HERE FOREVER.”

In an interview with Power 106 last week, he joked about retiring. “I think I’m probably gonna quit music,” he said, later adding, “No, I’m just messin’ around.”

His manager Scooter Braun recently said that he wants Bieber to take a year off before releasing his next album.

“I’m telling him after this movie, I want him to take next year off and just take a break,” Braun told Ryan Seacrest. “He can still live in the studio and work on the next album, which is what he wants to do, but I just want him to take some time to himself, so he can have that time alone cause he’s been working since he was 12 years old.”

The timing is no coincidence considering his movie, Believe, hit theaters on Christmas Day, while his album Journals is No. 2 on iTunes.

Justin Bieber Tweet

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