Justin Bieber retiring is probably the only three words most Beliebers went to sleep with on Christmas eve. Apparently, Justin thought it would be a great time to tell his loyal fan base he was leaving them.

Luckily, for Beliebers, Justin took to his social media profile and added two Instagram videos of himself singing. The only sad part is you can't see his face. There's no backing music either, just Justin a capella.

But since you can't see his face in either video, you've got to wonder if it's really him singing or if it's a recording. After all Justin has never been one to shy away from the camera. Maybe he has some hideous acne or something...

What do you think of the whole Justin Bieber saga? Did you really expect him to "retire" so soon? He's only been singing for a few years and he's already done with it?

Seems like a cop-out, no?


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