Bethenny Frankel went public with her new boyfriend, Michael Cerussi, in Miami during a New Year's celebration early this week, and already the pair are facing controversy after rumors hit the web about an alleged rape.

According to reports, Michael was accused of rape by a woman at Union College in New York and was reportedly expelled as a result.

However, in a new TMZ report, it is being said that no charges were ever filed in the matter -- at least by the alleged victim. Instead, it was Michael who sued both the woman and the school for defamation, insisting her rape claims were untrue and that the school had no right to expel him.

Speaking to TMZ in regard to the matter, Michael explained, "Claims were made to the school, which were false and unfounded and ultimately withdrawn."

It's unfortunate that Michael was subjected to such harmful allegations, but luckily, it appears as though he got through the incident unscathed and can now proceed with his life as normal.


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