To kick-off its 18th season, The Bachelor aired a special episode Sunday, so viewers could to get to know America’s most eligible man and first-ever Latino Bachelor, before he begins his search for the woman of his dreams.

Juan Pablo Galavis, the 32-year-old sports and music consultant who lives Miami but was raised in Venezuela, proved that he is more than a sexy accent and perfect body. He melted hearts as he spoke about the relationship between him and his young daughter, Camila.

Juan’s quest on The Bachelor goes beyond searching for a wife: he is also searching for the perfect stepmom for his adorable four-year-old, whom he calls his ‘Valentine forever.’

“Being a father is true love. True love is the one that is unconditional,” he stated in his swoon-worthy accent.

Mr. Right’s large and outgoing family also gave him their advice for his journey for love, which included ‘be patient’, ‘be yourself’ and ‘brush your teeth before make-out sessions.’

Juan shared while eating his mother’s cooking that if any of the ladies aren’t into Venezuelan food, they won’t make the cut.

The Countdown To Juan Pablo also featured behind-the-scenes footage of the screening process to find out who these lucky 27 bachelorettes are and how they were chosen as a possible match for the former soccer player. Their surprising talents included opera singing, hula hooping and a woman who could put her whole fist in her mouth!

Bachelor host Chris Harrison surprised some of the ladies in their hometowns to give them their first rose and let them know they had been chosen for the show. Screaming, squealing, jumping and hair flipping seemed to be the standard reactions.

The episode took a serious turn, however, with a tribute to Gia Allemand, the season 14 contestant who took her own life last year. A montage of photos and video clips showed the immense energy she shared with everyone around her and ended with an eerie clip of Gia stating, “I want people to remember me for my kind heart.”

The Bachelor excitement continued with a sneak peak of the upcoming season, promising that it just may be the most intense and dramatic one to date with tears, kissing, more tears, more kissing and a catfight or two along the way.

On Monday’s premiere, Juan Pablo will meet the 27 bachelorettes competing for his heart.


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