
Netflix announced today that it has ordered four original Marvel series to begin streaming in 2015. If they are popular enough, they could be made into feature films, an executive said today. (Marvel Comics)

News surrounding Disney's push to launch Marvel deeper into the live-action realm just keeps coming.

Following Thursday's announcement of a four-series deal with Netflix that includes original shows centered on Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage, Marvel today said that another series is coming to ABC, alongside this fall's new show "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," according to multiple reports.

Bob Iger, chairman and chief executive of The Walt Disney Company, said in conference call today that a new live-action show is being developed for ABC, but did not specific which hero(es) would be involved, said.

Also divulged in the conference call was the chance that a successful run on Netflix could garner a feature film for any of the characters slated to begin streaming in 2015, Slashfilm said.

Sure, Daredevil was already done in 2003, starring Ben Affleck, but honestly, we could probably use another one.

The announcement by Jay Rasulo, the company's senior executive vice president and CFO, leaves the door open for the possibility of a Defenders film. A miniseries based on the NYC protectors, which will follow the four Netflix series, could warrant it if the hype is right.


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