You can find love in the strangest places, and for Future and Miley Cyrus, the ultimate catch can be found in space. For his latest video "Real and True," the Astronaut Kid blasts off into orbit once last time, finally closing the space-themed chapter of his career. However, Miley is just getting started, even kicking off her Sunday night EMA performance in a rocket.

The clip finds Future and a team of astronauts in space, where they discover Miley laying abandoned on a planet. After bringing her back to earth and revealing her true alien nature, their love still prevails.

"It's about somebody sacrificing their life for love," Future told MTV News of the visuals, adding that he hoped to begin a new era of his career after releasing the video. "It connected with me and my whole theme that I've been going with, as far as Pluto and my astronaut status, so I feel like I can close that chapter after this video and move on to something else."

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Cyrus, picks up where Future left off, kicking off the 2013 MTV EMA in Amsterdam by landing onstage in a simulated rocket, singing into a microphone shaped like a rocket surrounded by strange alien beings. Turns out, she's just been waiting to go galactic.

"I've had this vision for a while; I've wanted to somehow involve something around aliens — because I really love aliens," Cyrus told MTV News before she hit the stage. "Obviously, I really loved teddy bears so I built a whole show around teddy bears, and I also like aliens, so I built the show around aliens."

"Real and True" will be featured on Future's upcoming sophomore album Honest due in 2014.


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