Christ: For New Year Joy

By Lunminthang Haokip *

"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth……And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image…………

(Genesis 1:1, 25, 26)".

The Beginning: The Bible in Genesis lucidly presents the basis of the axis-less creation of the earth. The beauty in form and rhythm in the flow of the narrative defy all styles and they are talked about in glowing terms in top literary circles. The awesome first chapter showcasing divine omnipotence stuns the absorbed reader with landmark show-stoppers of marvelous elemental shaping out of nothing. The Almighty's masterpiece that He took pains to be known later as His treasured possession on earth, however, was man.

Dust Inbreathed: In short, man was dust inbreathed by the Creator. High-brow academicians may have their own theories of evolution. But such figments of human imagination counter-create problems they can't solve. If the God-revealed contents of Genesis be false, how do we explain the nemesis sin-nature leads the depraved into? Despite loud claims of transcendental knowledge of supernatural things, the world is yet to bring out a more convincing contribution to convey the contrast to the Biblical blaring that sin entered the human mind and rendered every person of woman-born a sinner.

The Architect Of Doom: "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea. Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods (Genesis 3:1, 5)".

Satan's ways are cryptic and subtle. The thief cometh to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10: 10). Cunning as it was the perpetual enemy of our soul executed his wicked plot to dupe mankind through the serpent. Snakes, to this day, evoke an eerie feeling of fear and snake-friendly folks are looked at quizzically. Itself stripped of heavenly privileges and cast out of God's abobe due to its vain pride, the devil's one-point agendum was to sabotage God's long-term master-plan to raise through Adam and Eve successive generations of blessed people who were destined to be loyal to Him alone. Eve's brazen succumbing to the devil's craven bluffing in mankind's tragic waterloo of Eden Garden. The subsequent impenitent posturing of the first parents saddened God so much that He had to alter His original desire to offer oodles of eternal goodies to the created duo.

The Recurring Curse: In verses 14 to19 of Genesis chapter 3, the God of judgement pronounced curses the severity of which was handed out in order of demerit. Satan was worst-hit. It's visible form had to crawl on its belly and eat dust all of its life. Vulnerable and susceptible, the woman came next. She was cursed to suffer pain and sorrow in childbirth and shoulder the major weight of emotional burden of her family. Added to this distress was the dominance of her husband. A reversal of roles in this regard invited the Maker's displeasure ever since. A whistling woman and a crowing hen shall merit divine whistle.

Adam Got a Better Deal: Where did the square deals leave Adam? Because he didn't disobey his Creator in the period prior to the creation of Eve as his help meet, the first man had a slight edge of an advantage over his fouling soul-mate in the Almighty's sight. But being the natural leader of the two, he was to take his unfair lady to task when she had the first big bite of the forbidden fruit. That Adam liberally let his heart to rule his head and sheepishly toed Eve's line ushered in a recurring curse in myriad homes whenever beings of the opposite sexes dwell together.

The Better Half: The sobriquet of referring the fairer species as "the better-half", can be traced back to the weakness of the first man. It was a pedestal of a syndrome gifted by the over-indulgence of man to the vanity of woman who lapped it all up. No wonder, some hubbies have to undergo the ordeal of being cuckolded.

Costly Lapse: But for the disciplinary lapse of the couple of Eden, succeeding humanity had to pay a burdensome price. The spirit became dead, the body subjected to mortal decay, and life, an up-hill strife". In the sweat of the face shall thou eat bread, till thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return (Genesis 3:19)". All around us, we see some men earning bread by the sweat of their brow; and some, by the sweat of others' brow.

The Remedy for Sin: Every descendant of Adam, without any exception, inherited the sin-nature. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)". As cancer eats up the cells of the body, sin erodes the soul. More than 50 different sins are listed down in the Bible in Exodus 20:3-17; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Romans 1:20-31; 1 Timothy 1:9-11; Colossians 3:5-8; Galatians 5:19-21; and Mark 7:20-23. Our is a holy God who has zero-tolerance for sin. His absolute hatred for it is obvious in the harsh punishment reserved for hardened sinners.

The Wages of Sin: "For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)". The Bible, in a way, is a record of the Creator's total aversion to sin. Steered by the replica of Adamic dead-spirit, the human heart, in most cases becomes hell-bound cockpits of crime heading for a resounding crash. Wicked generations saw God's iron hand coming heavily upon them. The Almighty had no pleasure in the death of men He made in His own likeness. He knew that no person can save himself from sin. "If I wash myself with snow-water and make my hands never clean; yet shalt Thou plunge me in the ditch (Job 9:30-31)". So, in His infinite love and mercy, He drew a fresh plan of salvation. He gave away His beloved begotten Son to save souls from sin. "….But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23)".

The Birth of Jesus: The birth of a Redeemer was prophesied every now and then from 4000 B.C to the times of the Minor Prophets. Isaiah spelled out the coming big event in clearest words. "For unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God…. And by His stripes we are healed… (Isaiah 9:6; 53:5)".

Born for All: The deity of Jesus was eternal and could not be born. The promised Messiah was the human Jesus. That seekers from the lowest rung of social ladder may identify themselves with Him, the Saviour was made to be born of humble parentage and in an obscure stable of all places. "And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manager (Luke 2:6)".

Miracle From Above: Heaven ordered the Lord's conception through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20) because He was to take on the might of the unholy spirit head on. The first Adam, entrapped by Satanic snare, was seen doting on sin. The second Adam, tipped to bruise the serpent's head four millennia before His birth (Genesis 3:15), was ordained to be the antidote to sin. "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29)".

The Calvary Victory: His crucifixion on the cross of Calvary served as the grand finale where our Saviour stood triumphant on the victory-stand of the fierce battle for salvation that gave a smashing thrash to the prince of moral-trash. He was afflicted for our sake that believers may attain godly righteousness that can't be gained otherwise. "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. That we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21)

Mixed Reactions: From Singapore to Bangalore to Mangalore, Osaka to Alaska, London to Washington, and Sri Lanka to Lamka, Christmas, by and large, evokes a perverted mass-hysteria that Christ has nothing to do with. Throbbing neon-lights flash and decked-up banners and glossy décor display the magic name of Christmas in glittering gutters of glamour where the global elite gather for fun. Out there where ostentatious riches confer momentary status, purse-proud and pleasure-seeking candidates for doom gloat over doing the very abomination Jesus vehemently preached against in His earthly ministry. The name of the lord is being desecrated by the breed of merchants of mammon.

Yuletide Taken for a Ride: In commercial ads, buffets, bonanza offers, cocktail parties, pleasure-cruise-trips etc., the name of the simple son of the carpenter of Nazareth is dishonored and misused to attract people or boost up scale of sales in the run-up to tighten one's hold over customers and exploit the seasonal tides. To widen one's business network, Yule-tide is being taken for a ride. What a blasphemous departure from the teachings of the Messiah who said, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9:58)". The global cash-crunch and the delay of salaries that some employees reel under may be the shoppers' and the shop-keepers' nightmare. But these harrowing times bring Christians closer to the real spirit of Christmas.

The North-East India Scenario: The mixed experience of hundred years and more of following the blessed Faith couldn't usher in much tangible change in the attitudinal perceptions of the off-beat North-Easterners. The average "youth with no mission" does not associate Christmas with anything weightier than new clothing, booze-sessions, parties, dances, gift-exchanges, photo-shoots and a gala time when the birds and the bees swarm together.

Pull of The Palate: The elderly village-folks of the backblocks aren't freed from the shackles of levity and the compelling pulls of the palate either. Spirits are so low that they hit the rock-bottom of the doldrums of social inactivity in any village where dollops of pork and beef aren't going to be served in annual eat-togethers before and after Christmas. The topic of animated discussion in meetings on Yule-tide bashes have heated debates on menu-items. A hill village went to extent of postponing Christmas because the injured mithun to be butchered on 24th December ran away wild after being shot at, once. To feast or not to feast, that's the main issue. If fund position permits, usually, the majority favour non-vege feasting. Now, let's give it a serious thought.

When Cattle Tremble!: When the birth of 'Emmanuel' is giving joy and gladness to the world, Why should poor cattle tremble and suffer due to Yule-tide merriment? The Saviour promises a new kingdom to whoever submits himself to be lorded by Him. And, "The kingdom of God is not food and drinks, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Peace and joy seem to be incomplete without meat and drink.

Fun Galore: Of course, not every Christian seeks meat and drink first in thousands of Churches, the focus is on Jesus the Saviour. Soundly converted boys and girls place pine-branches at a corner of their living rooms and illuminate them up as Christmas trees with shining stars and colourful balloons. Children are made to learn Scripture portions on Christ's birth by heart and recite them in worship meetings. Attractive prizes are up for grab. That part of the wintry event that best sustains juvenile enthusiasm happens in the wee hours of the 25th December years after year.

Christmas-Eve Carol: On December 24th , after the evening service, the youth stay back inside the make-shift hall and sing pastoral hymnals till well-past midnight. After grabbing some shut eyes, they put on the thickest clothing and march out as a group in the freezing chill at dawn and with voices trembling, sing Christmas carols. In between the group singing of joyous songs, they shout full-throated cries of "Joy to the world, the Lord is come……. This morn, a baby is born at Bethlehem………". But in many Churches, all this rituals are things of the past. Church folks hear Christmas messages, hold prayer session to thank God for gifting His only Son and without much fanfare, observe the solemn occasion with the dignity it deserves.

Christmas Once More: Yet another Christmas had ended. Jesus wants to take birth in your heart. But he can't take shelter in a heart that teeters on the brink of obnoxious anxiety. The cares of the world may have robbed you of your joy in the Lord. Do you get upset that you couldn't get a new set of designer dress this winter? Maybe you got plucked in the final exam and undergo hell in a self-imposed cocoon. Or do you think you got a raw deal out of life because you don't have a job to rely on? C'mon, be consoled. The employed aren't any the better than you are. Every job-holder struggles hard to meet the impossible societal expectations against his or her own desire to be left alone in oblivion

Think Positive: The Son of God left the blissful comforts of heaven and took human form to be reviled, reproached, persecuted and crucified by the very people He came to bless. He didn't count the cost because there was no other way sinners like you and me could be saved. That He can save to the uttermost ought to cheer us all up. You may crib about several lacking and ruin your moods. The Lord offers His Gospel to console yourself for what you are and to compensate for what you are not.

Kindly read Luke 2:3 – 16. The country shepherds were keeping watch of the flock by night. They had nothing except a few sheep which perhaps belonged to their masters. But when the glory of the Lord shone around them, they cast away their initial fears and flock and with a sense of urgency and buoyancy, rushed to Bethlehem to meet the Infant Christ. As done to them, the Angel is speaking to you too,

"Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10, 11)".

Joy For Ever: Christmas has been over for 2013. The thrill and excitement of festivity are things of the past now. To continue life in peace and joy, nothing else can do as much as by accepting Jesus truly as one's Lord and King. Yes, even when you get sad with people you love most, people you bank heavily upon betray, hopes and dreams die and even when your chips are down, having Christ in you will give you an inner joy no force on earth can take away.

Lunminthang Haokip

* Lunminthang Haokip, a resident of Old Lambulane, Imphal, wrote this article for . He can be contacted at lunminthang(dot)haokip(at)gmail(dot)com or his blog here

This article was webcasted on December 31, 2013.


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