ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — She was not the kicker, but her boyfriend was.

When people learn Ammie Cook played on Patrick Henry High School's football team they usually ask her position.

Female high school football players aren't unheard of, but they are uncommon and usually aren't position players. They are more likely to kick, where the physical demands of the sport aren't as great.

Cook explained one of the Patriots' kickers is actually her boyfriend of eight months, Brian Howell.

She was a running back, free safety — and in this, her senior year — homecoming queen.

The latter, ironically, is the position that's afforded her a trip to a bowl game.

On New Year's Eve Cook will attend the AutoZone Liberty Bowl in Memphis, where she'll join a delegation of 100 other homecoming queens, including one other representative from Virginia. She was invited to participate after a review process where bowl organizers scrutinized her academics and community service record.

She'll walk in a parade, visit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and spend time on the field, but not as a player like she's accustomed. Instead she'll be a member of the halftime show, clad in a white evening gown and tiara.

Her usual game day attire is pads and a helmet. The 17-year-old, who is barely 5 feet tall and weighs only about 100 pounds in full uniform, has a small frame but big stature with teammates and coaches.

After four years on the PH team she has earned the respect of those who worked with her on the field. She wasn't a starter or a standout, but she played several games and an important role on the team.

"The best thing about Ammie is that she really knew her role," Patrick Henry coach Alan Fiddler said. "She jumped in every day at practice and wanted to be on the scout teams and played hard on the scout teams and that helped us."

He said it got players prepared.

"The guys on the team respected her," he said.

In the beginning it wasn't quite as simple.

Cook, who got hooked on the sport as an elementary schooler playing flag football, said she was good and liked to play so her mother called about high school football.

"My mom asked for all the information and didn't tell him I was a girl," she said.

Soon after she prepared by lifting weights. Cook said she gained six pounds, which sounded like a point of pride.

Her first year no one wanted to tackle her.

"Everyone knew there was a girl," she said. "They didn't want to hit a girl."

Brad Bradley, who now coaches at Heritage High School in Lynchburg, was Patrick Henry's coach when Cook joined the team as a freshman.

He didn't recall any issues when she came on, but said it was different. In more than a decade of coaching football he's seen a few girls play, but no one like Cook.

"That has been the first girl that came and really stuck it out," he said. "She came out there and put the time in during two-a-days in the hot sun. She was not that girl out there playing football to say she played football. She was out there to play."

Bradley respects that.

"That's a football player, doesn't matter if it's a girl or guy," he said. "It's a football player."

And on the field he said often no one knew whether she was a boy or girl. Once the uniform was on it was hard to pick her out from anyone else.

Cook, who readied for home games alongside Patrick Henry's cheerleaders, placed her brown hair, which tumbles past her shoulders, into a long braid and tucked that up inside her helmet. Only a close look would reveal delicate features common to homecoming queens, not ball players.

When the team traveled her presence was sometimes surprising. Being on the road also presented logistical challenges other players don't have to worry about.

"When we go on away trips I make sure she has a place to change," Patrick Henry assistant coach Anthony Drakeford explained. "I took her under my wing and made sure she was taken care of."

He said he also makes sure she sat in the front of the bus when the team traveled. He said she's so small it can be difficult to see her in the back.

"It's almost like I have to protect her," he said.

At least one rival they played this season also had a female player, Drakeford said.

"Most teams, they do a double take," he said. "It's a novelty thing."

According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, female football players are a very lopsided minority. More than a million high school boys played football during the 2012-13 school year, but just 1,531 girls played, according to the organization. In Virginia, just 28 girls played football that season.

Drakeford said because of Cook there will be more female players in the future.

"It's nothing that she tried to do," he said, "but she's a role model to other young girls who have ambition to play football."

That includes his own 11-year-old, who Drakeford said is probably bigger than Cook. The two have adopted one another through football, he said, which his daughter wants to play. Little girls look up to Cook.

"She's doing something most girls don't do," he said.

That was obvious this fall the night Patrick Henry played Carroll County High School.

"She was bracing herself to make a tackle because the guy broke free," Drakeford said. "It was her and this guy pretty much one-on-one and he had full head of steam."

He said she could have easily stepped aside.

"But she didn't," Drakeford said. "She just sacrificed her body."

She took the brunt of the blow, but made the tackle.

Cook's grandfather Dale Simons remembers the play.

He said he his wife, Marilyn Simons, who attended almost every game this season, could hear the hit from the stands and thought they'd need to call an ambulance.

"It was a loud hit," he said. "I could hear the hit and I went 'whoa.'"

That night the Patriots beat Carroll County 70-22.

Dale, whose tone softens when he speaks about his granddaughter, said she's a tomboy. Marilyn said she herself was also that way as a young woman.

Cook, whose parents are not together, lives with her grandparents. The tight threesome will ring in the new year together in Memphis.

Marilyn, who has been reminding friends and family to look for Cook on TV during the game, said it took some convincing to get her granddaughter to pursue the opportunity. She said Cook didn't even want to send in the paperwork.

"I guess she didn't think she had a chance," Marilyn said. "They send it to every homecoming queen."

But when the family returned from a Thanksgiving trip to Florida, an invitation to the game was waiting in the mail for Cook.

Cook said she was surprised, just as she was on the fall evening when she was named the school's homecoming queen during halftime.

The previous year she was named a homecoming princess, but missed the pomp and circumstance of being crowned because she was in the locker room. Her older sister, a cheerleader, accepted for her.

Cook said that this year, the team was present.

"They called my name and I just kind of stood there for a second," she said.

With her helmet off she wore a tiara and a white sash, which covered the number 20 on her jersey, and rested on her bulky shoulder pads.

Cook said she almost didn't run for the court. After being on it the year before she wasn't planning to run again.

She said football is what's really important to her.

"That's what I love in high school. That's kind of what I'm known for I guess," she said. "It helped me meet a lot more people. Homecoming queen, that's kind of like a bonus I guess."


Information from: The Roanoke Times,


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