REDLANDS >> The University of Redlands Town and Gown organization recently announced its honorees for the 2014 Awards of Distinction.

Downtown business owner Al Hernandez, longtime volunteer Kate Salveson, philanthropist Tim Rochford and U of R professor and community member Art Svenson will be honored during the ceremony planned for Feb. 1.

Town and Gown sent out the call for nominees in September, asking the public to identify deserving individuals who serve the community, are gracious and generous givers and/or are personally and professionally accomplished.

A number of nominees poured in, said Shelli Stockton, T&G president.

“I wasn’t part of the selection committee,” she said. “But they told me they had a number of great people they could choose from, and the achievements are so different. I think we’re really excited, too, about the different types of achievements that our honorees this year have. It is going to be a great evening.”

Hernandez, co-owner of Citrograph in downtown Redlands, said he was pleasantly surprised he was chosen.

His dedication at helping U of R students is well documented every year when he plans and implements his annual Vintage Redlands wine and walk fundraising effort.

Funds raised from the event go to the Citrograph Scholarship Fund, which provides business and graphic design scholarships to U of R and Cal State San Bernardino students.

“I had no idea I had even been nominated,” said Hernandez on Friday morning. “It is a pleasant surprise, and it’s an honor they think of me in the way they’re willing to honor me for the work that has been done.”

By helping students and the community in general, a future generation of support can be bred, he said.

“The business has been a member of the community for a long time, and the more we give to the community it strengthens it overall,” he continued. “If we can help students get through their education so they’re able to give back to their hometown or Redlands ... that’s great. It is important to support the community you’re a part of.”

Hernandez lives in a nearby mountain community, and Rochford lives in a nearby desert town.

Invitations to the awards banquet are being delivered next week, and tickets will be available around that time.

The dinner is planned once again in the university’s Orton Center.

To learn more, contact Dena Gilbert, associate director of alumni relations, at 909-748-8011.


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