We wish we could write "spoiler ahead." But alas, this TV finale will never get shot.

"The ending of “Glee” is something I have never shared with anyone, but I always knew it. I've always relied on it as a source of comfort, a North Star," Ryan Murphy said at a private memorial service for Cory Monteith in July, excerpts of which Entertainment Weekly has published.

"At the end of season 6, Lea (Michele)'s Rachel was going to have become a big Broadway star, the role she was born to play. Finn was going to have become a teacher, settled down happily in Ohio, at peace with his choice and no longer feeling like a Lima loser.

"The very last line of dialogue was to be this: Rachel comes back to Ohio, fulfilled and yet not, and walks into Finn's glee club. 'What are you doing here?' he would ask.

" 'I'm home,' she would reply. Fade out. The end."

Murphy also spoke movingly about lost potential and unfulfilled dreams. But another poignant, candid piece came when he discussed the sense of paternalism that evolved with the emerging star.

"From the beginning Cory and I had a father-son relationship, which at that time I have to admit I did not want. I didn't know how to do that. But Cory — from a broken home, a lost boy — needed a male figure to provide guidance, support, a direction. In retrospect, Cory was kind of my training wheels for becoming the father I am today with my own child."


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