When San Francisco transformed into Gotham City to fulfill a little boy's wish Friday, people everywhere volunteered to make the experience perfect. Those who couldn't be there, including many celebrities, cheered him on while they watched him battle evil live.

5-year-old Miles, who has been diagnosed with leukemia and is now in remission, loves super heroes. When he told the Make-a-Wish Foundation his dream to be Batkid, the whole city gathered together to make his wish come true.

Miles was a great Batkid, and even received praise from a few of his fellow Caped Crusaders, reports People.

Christian Bale, who played Batman in three films, told New York Magazine that the entire day was “fantastic.” “I saw this headline and thought, 'What's that?'" he said. "I looked on the news and I saw all the pictures of him running around and saving people. It's so touching."

Ben Affleck, who fills the role of Batman in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel, took to Twitter to admit that Batkid is the “Best Batman ever.”

Adam West, star of the Batman TV series in the 1960s, tweeted his relief that Gotham is once again under control.

Michael Keaton, who played Batman in 1992's Batman Returns, told TMZ that Batkid was one of the cutest things he's ever seen.

Val Kilmer, who played Batman in 1995, took to Facebook to cheer the Batkid on, posting, "Just heard the riddler is robbing a bank in the financial district. Hurry #sfbatkid."

Watch some of the battles Batkid conquered below:

Image: YouTube screen shot


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