Michael Jackson committed suicide, doctor says

Murray was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death and was released in October after serving two years of a four-year prison sentence.

Photograph by: ROBYN BECK , AFP/Getty Images

Dr. Conrad Murray claims he and Michael Jackson were so close he would hold the troubled singer’s penis for him every night.

Murray spoke to London’s Daily Mail in a tell-all interview. Murray was jailed and lost his licence to practice medicine after Jackson’s death on June 25, 2009.

“You want to know how close we were? I held his penis every night to fit a catheter because he was incontinent at night,” the doctor told the Mail. “He wore dark trousers all the time because after he went to the toilet he would drip for hours. Michael didn’t know how to put a condom on, so I had to do it for him.”

Murray was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death and was released in October after serving two years of a four-year prison sentence.

Murray also said he believes the troubled Jackson committed suicide.

“I believe he woke up (that day), got hold of his own stash of Propofol and injected himself,” the disgraced doctor said. “He did it too quickly and went into cardiac arrest.”

Murray also hints that Jackson’s children are from three different fathers and that the singer did not take any part in their creation.

“Michael told me he never slept with Debbie Rowe,” he said, suggesting he and the singer would joke that no one would want to sleep with Rowe.

Now, Rowe is firing back, saying she’s “disgusted” by Murray’s comments — and that she believes within 18 months a Jackson fanatic will kill him.

“A Jackson fan will shoot him dead, and I’d buy the bullet.” Rowe told gossip website TMZ. “I wouldn’t shoot him but I’d buy the bullet ... a hollow-point. If I had a dog as ugly as ([Murray) I’d shave its a--, make it walk backwards and put a wig on it.”


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