Want Kimye as your neighbors? According to a new survey, you're probably one of the only ones.

Real estate website Zillow has released the results of its annual Celebrity Neighbor Survey, and according to one-fourth of those surveyed, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian would be the worst possible celebrity neighbors, a higher percentage than any other celebrity in the survey.

"No one wants to live next door to a family who has cameras following them everywhere and seems to seek out as much attention as possible," Amy Bohutinsky, Zillow's Chief Marketing Officer, noted in a statement accompanying the ranking. "However, with more than one-third of surveyed Americans preferring a non-celebrity neighbor, what remains clear is that many people don’t want to live next to any celebrity, regardless of why they are famous."

According to the Zillow survey, West and Kardashian were near the top last year as well, finishing second in the 2012 poll for worst neighbors to the family from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo."

Only two percent of those surveyed decided that living next to the power couple would be in any way appealing.

Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga were also among the musicians hitting high marks in the worst neighbor category. According to those polled, 16 percent would not enjoy living next to Bieber or Cyrus, while four percent find Gaga an unattractive neighbor.

On the flip side, Jimmy Fallon is the survey's most desirable neighbor for the year, with 11 percent wanting the late night host as a neighbor. Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton finished second in the pool with an approval rate of 10 percent.


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